SF and F Possibilities
Kristin Battestella
your inner geek and sit back for this quick list of retro fantasies, science
fiction wonders, and fanciful television!

Nemesis – Kickboxer and all around Marital arts badass of
the 1992 moment Olivier Gruner (Interceptor
Force, Code Name: Eternity) leads a quirky SF cast – including Tim
Thomerson (Trancers), Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
(Showdown in Little Tokyo), Thomas
Jane (Hung), Brion James (Blade Runner), and Deborah Shelton (Dallas) – for this intriguing cyborg
romp. It’s totally dated of course – with
messy effects, nineties fashions gone wrong, weird accents, poor dialogue, and
iffy imitation 2027 technology. The prophetic narration is a bit much, and the
attempted romantic conflicts too trite. However, the humor – both intentional
and not – and some witty helps the convoluted and tech talk laden story. The quieter, questioning moments amid the
lengthy shootouts, sauce, and nudity also keep the pace interesting. Do
synthetics not have lives of their own? Can an android’s soul – her desire to
do something with her life – be captured on a chip with the rest of her data?
Gruner’s delivery may be tough at times, but he’s pretty decent as a B
anti-hero LA cop with cybernetic repair questions and divided loyalties. We like him, root for him, and he kicks
injustice’s ass in return. This isn’t anything new, yet the quality SF notions
have held up, and perhaps even improved over the decades. For the full effect, however, one should
avoid the occasional TV airing as it is often woefully cut up. Hopefully,
director Albert Pyun (The Sword and the
Sorcerer) will provide a restored video release soon.

7th Voyage of Sinbad –
I loved this 1958 Ray Harryhausen spectacle as a kid, and it still has it all! From the wonderful music by Bernard Herrmann (Psycho) to those imaginative – nay –
quintessential visuals and bright Technicolor, the ancient high seas adventures,
charlatan magic, and innocent romance remain classic and charming for young and
old. There’s even a miniature princess! Sure,
some may find the acting over the top now, but that fits the fantasy mood and drama.
Those spoiled with CGI effects might find the creature animation stilted, but you’d
be wrong. Those who grew up watching
Harryhausen Dynamation effects will be overjoyed to see the Cyclops, dragon,
and skeleton all looking dynamite on blu-ray. Today’s overly digital fantasy
films should take note, as blu-ray continues to re-invigorated classics like
this with a made to look old modern glamour and retro facelift. The 50th
anniversary blu-ray also has great menus and a fun interface design to boot. Not only is the set packed with commentaries
and retrospective interviews from contemporary directors and filmmakers but
also there’s over two hours of features on effects, music, the late Harryhausen,
and more.

and the Eye of the Tiger – Ray
Harryhausen not only did the special effects for this third 1977 Sinbad
picture, but he also wrote the story with Beverley Cross (Clash of the Titans) and served as producer. Although some matte shots look poor and the
baboon and other monsters feel hokey, the stop motion wonders and fun
miniatures still look great. The seventies zooms and quick intercutting feels
uneven against some of the slower talking to animals scenes, and some night
time or high seas photography is tough to see. Thankfully, the colorful sets, flashy
and fleshy costumes, and expected Arabian jewels, flair, and designs match the
cool Petra
locations. Yes, star Patrick Wayne’s (McLintock!,
The People That Time Forgot) delivery is a bit too California, but he looks the chiseled part.
Patrick Troughton (Doctor Who) makes
for a fun little wizard with a conveniently beautiful daughter Taryn Power (The Count of Monte Cristo), and Jane
Seymour (Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman)
looks delightful – except for those dreadlock-esque braids, shudder. Though the
dialogue is bit muddled and the fanciful plot too nonsensical, the nutty
witchcraft from Margaret Whiting (Jury)
tops it all off. Perhaps this installment is a step down from the magical
fifties charm of The 7th
Voyage, but it’s still an entertaining adventure for one and all.

of Lancelot – Liberties are
taken to keep this lengthy 1963 tale Lancelot centric, but dang if you can find
this elusive, ill framed, and butchered DVD! So our titular man has a bad French accent,
the no name sub par cast has a lot of juvenile mid century scripting and
dialogue. There are goofy Shakespearean asides and talking to oneself amid all
the wooden small talk, too. The women swoon, look a little too Halloween
costume medieval, and it all has a coarse community theatre feeling. And yet, solid atmosphere and love triangles
help what’s actually a decent little story get better as the betrayals unfold. The
high fantasy knights, chivalry, and Camelot court style inaccurately mix with 5th
century peasant looks, yes. It’s tough to tell who is who, and the joust is
small scale hokey. Nevertheless, a good bit of action, fast paced and
entertaining battles, colorful medieval banners, flashy tunics, period flair,
and all the expected Arthurian characters are here. Perhaps then it was
scandalous – blood and heavies amid a poolside bathing with this newfangled
soap! – but today’s fanciful youths can enjoy this flawed, but fun little

Guide Looks at Science Fiction –
William Shatner hosts this 1997 hour long TV Guide special chronicling the history
of genre efforts in the medium from the television’s first Flash Gordon era serials to Space:
1999, Battlestar: Galatica, The Bionic Woman, Time Tunnel, and more. Humorous
and slightly juvenile fair such as My
Favorite Martian and Mork and Mindy
are also contrasted against more recent mature series, including Quantum Leap, The X-Files, and Babylon 5. Lesser-known series like Space Patrol and Small Wonder are also discussed amid popular programs like Lost in Space, Star Trek, and The Twilight Zone. I could have done
without the silly robot jokes, and in such a quick hour, some more obscure
series like Blake’s 7 are bound to be
missing. Fortunately, these lovely clips, vintage footage, and nostalgic
interviews are perfect for a media history or social classroom study, and fans
looking for rare tapes and informative insights can delight here.
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