300: The Stelios Edition
By Kristin Battestella
(Just a little Valentine treat for the ladies at the Michael Fassbender Online website!)
Yes, after two previous analysis of the 2007 Greek yarn 300, I’ve decided to take another look at this fantastical tale of graphic and gory action, historical honor, and battle rousing inspiration for one be-speedo-ed Spartan: the long haired, high flying, in search of a beautiful death Stelioooooos! I’ve been sick for two weeks and am so looped up on cough medicine that it’s not funny- perhaps that can explain this delusion.
So try to contain yourselves as the IQ seeps from the room and trickles deep, deep down into the gutter- or refer to my initial intelligent critiques via our 300 label instead. You have been warned, Persian.
After seeing his tour de force acting capabilities in films like Hunger and Fish Tank, I admitted I was remiss in not appreciating Michael Fassbender’s crazy Spartan sooner. I was actually in a David Wenham streak as an offshoot of my Lord of the Rings obsessions when I first saw 300 in the theater, but I was more interested in the ground breaking effects, filming design, and Battle of Thermopylae interpretation from director Zack Snyder (Dawn of the Dead, Watchman) than you know, hot guys in leather hot pants. Certainly if there was ever a film that was so purely designed for the sake of eye candy, beefcake, and every desert in between, 300 would have to be it. However, the entire reason I decided to see 300 in the theater was because the trailers looked so dang cool. If I were just interested in some juicy LOTR excess, I would have waited for the DVD or just watched Wenham’s Better Than Sex again. (Trust me on that one!) Outside of 2007’s pop campaign slogan, “This is Sparta !” or “Tonight, we dine in Hell!” I kept wondering where Gerard Butler was in the previews. Who the hell was this flying Spartan fightin’ so dirtily in the shade and leaping with his bellowing red cape flowing behind him? Not that I knew or cared, but such sweet promos made 300 must see for a lot of people, didn’t it?

And then he gets wet and airborne on us!
When I first wrote my original review of 300 24 hours after I saw it in the theater, some viewers were actually angry with me and sent me messages complaining I spoiled the ending by talking about the Spartans’ sacrificial and latently messianic deaths to save Greece . Um, yeah. If Michael Fassbender was in your high school history classroom dressed like this and reciting Herodotus, maybe we might have paid more attention! I confess I didn’t hear a word he said in the theater- something about ancestors, blood, and mortar. If we were supposed to pay attention, we never would have been given that crotch shot with the sword whip out. Devo, anyone? I was with my future husband in the theater, and it was a good thing the lights were dark. I thought, ‘Geez, will this naked guy put his cape back on already!’ Yes, he is still wearing those very Brazilian undies, but the action of whipping out his faux sword seriously implies he has it all hanging out. We are forced into not taking our eyes off of this damn guy- and it fucking works. People still talk about this “fight in the shade” scene as being the most memorable part of the movie nearly five years later. Michael Fassbender made people like frigging history with his ancient factual dialogue, and The History Channel is still showing its ‘Last Stand of the 300’ documentary because of it.
Maybe Stelios wasn’t my favorite Spartan, but you can’t deny his impact in the film. I confess, for the longest time, I even had a little moving avatar of Mr. Slim and Shady from his pimptastic single-handed takedown of those pesky Persian mystics. His tuck tail and subsequent delight at his own fireworks was just that cool, even to me. While I’m on the subject, did any other character in 300 have a youtube mini parody named in his honor? No. Stalking Stelios is awesome- and not just because Michael Fassbender graciously makes an appearance in it. All humor aside, my favorite Stelios moment has always been his beautiful death soliloquy. Truly, I thought the hair in his face look was seriously annoying, but when giving his insane yet inspiring speech about seeking glory in death, the psycho hair works. The scene is somewhat dark, and with the hair in his face, we only clearly see the shiny whites of Stelios’ teeth and eyes. When he laughs in the face of death, nay runs towards his end with open arms and such a joyous grin and glint in his eye, you can’t help but believe that Sparta means business.
Rant: Why is there no blooper reel on these DVDs?! End rant.
Now, when I was first touched by these moving final moments for Leonidas and his boys, I thought, ‘Boy, I bet this guy wears contacts and was actually crying. His eyes are really glassy.’ Honestly, I didn’t even know Michael Fassbender’s name until six months ago! I saw the old screen captures I had made again a few weeks ago and still thought, ‘Man, his eyes are really bloodshot here, powerful stuff.’ Well, now we know why, don’t we? Even if it really does completely cheapen the story of the film and the Battle of Thermopylae to purely look at said Hot Spartan Stelios, you either really love Michael Fassbender or kind of hate him with that story. I mean, he’s an actor having a good time; nobody else can get away with showing up to work that hung over. And yet, he still gave a beautiful and bittersweet exclamation to 300. Is Fassbender just that good at his profession?
Yes. And he can fly.
Although a clone in street clothes with a shield and spear like in the 300 behind the scenes features might be a nice purchase, too. Better than a guard dog, to say the least.
So somebody out there truly shares my sense of humor! "300" will never be the same now. Those clever insights of yours will be forever hanging on his
Looks like I need to give 300 another look, through Stelios-tinted eyes. Impressive breakdown and analysis! YBLM
Hi Tammy and Fletch!
Can we define this type of review? 'intelligent gutter trash'? 'Pectoral Perspective'?
Thanks for stopping by for our bit of 300 fun!
That's a great Stelios antomy...er I mean, anthology ;-) The Fassbender inspires one for long, detailed posts, no? I always have to keep it in check at MFO, otherwise it'd be soliloquies one after the next.
P.S. Great site!!
Hello Christiane! My Chief Morale Officer Assistant at MFO!
Yeah, I've written some very long commentaries on Fassbender films. 3 posts on Fish Tank to say the least. Even in popcorn like this, there's just so much to investigate!
Oh, I forgot to say, Thank you for taking time out to stop by and comment!
I am so many years behind the original post, but I have to leave a comment to say how much I love this review. The idea of Fassbender dressed as Stelios and reciting Herodotus in a history class is classic (boom, boom). If I could organise this for one of my classes I think I would :-) Cheers for a great review!
Hi Kscott! :)
This is actually our Most Popular Review! I Wonder why? ;)
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment!
You can read all our Fassbender reviews here:
Oh, help. I can't stop laughing, especially about that final day of shooting factoid. :-D What else should be expected of an Irish/German hybrid, though? ;-)
And hi!! I first "met" Fassbender back in 2006ish when Hex aired on BBCA (and I agree with every word of your review for that), but his role choices consistently didn't "Venn" with my viewing choices until X-Men: First Class. And I saw Shame in the cinema because my treatment of sexual disorders professor recommended it. Even then, due to various factors, it took until Days of Future Past this past May for Fassbender to run off with my affections and take over the film analysis side of my mind. And, well, I've been reading up on him, watching interviews, and catching up on his filmography ever since.
Stumbled across this site the other night while Google Image searching for...I forget what. Loving your reviews! :-) I can't handle most horror, so had decided to leave Eden Lake out of the Fassbender Filmography Watch, but your commentary almost got me interested enough to try it.
Hi Refuge!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the Stelios fun and are checking out all the reviews in your new Fassbender appreciation!
I too was a bit late in realizing 'it was all the same guy' so it is fun to see the variety in his CV.
No one seems to like his two horror movies but me!
Thanks again for commenting and reading up on all our Fasstivus work!
you mention that interview with Gerard Butler about the Stelios death scene and that Michael Fassbender was totally drunk. I'd like to watch or read that interview. Can't seem to find it. Can you give a link, please?
Hi Sarah. Thanks for taking the time to comment. :)
Wow this review is so old I don't remember! If it wasn't in the Video Commentary, I think it was a print interview from the time of the movie's release. Now THAT was a long time ago.
GB Gals may still have some scans of press from back then. I don't think it was one of those quick sit down Youtube videos. Those are really relatively recent. I don't think Michael Fassbender Online has scans that go that far back, either.
It's not a slight to Fassbender, however, if that's the kind of confirmation you want. He's been quite honest about some of his bad habits in plenty of interviews and press since. ;) His recent films, unfortunately, have been lacking and I hope he soon returns to the heavy indie dramas he does best.
Thanks again for stopping by :) Don't forget to check out the rest of our Gerard Butler and Michael Fassbender Reviews. There are a lot!!
Hello Kristin,
thanks for your reply. Yes, I know the post and the movie are old. I still like the movie for some of the short quotes in it. Some of them are said to have been historically correct even. The "fight in the shades" one being one of them. I wonder what Spartans would have done, if Twitter had already existed in their time and age. They seemed to have been perfect for short Twitter posts of wisdom and wit.
I've seen Michael Fassbender smoking quite a bit. I don't understand that. I've never even tried smoking and never will. E-cigarettes may be interesting, but the smell of "real" ones is just disgusting, I think. I didn't know about his drinking. But the Irish are supposed to be heavy drinkers anyway. So I'm not surprised it happened on 300.
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