Shakespeare Trio, Thrice!
Kristin Battestella
who's still celebrating the Shakespeare 400th here at the year's end?
Join in with this trio of Bard focused documentaries debating
everything from if Shakespeare is really Shakespeare to where he's
buried and if his skull is still there. Oh yes.
The Shakespeare Conspiracy Presented by Sir Derek Jacobi – Is
the 17th Earl of Oxford Edward de Vere the true author of
Shakespeare's works? Sir Derek narrates and appears on location to
address the questionable Shakespeare facts – experts interviewed
even pronounce the names of Willm Shakspere, gent wanted for tax
evasion who left no mention of manuscripts in his will, and the famed
ever living poet differently. Beyond basic records and tourism perks
for Stratford-upon-Avon, the evidence doesn't seem to favor the
former's leap from country business and acting on stage to the
latter's literary glory. From the
original tomb depiction of a bag of grain and the subsequent quill
poised monument to the breakdown of the name William Shakespeare as a
“poet playwright” pseudonym with a debatable hyphen, the case
against The Bard is stacked with similarly named relatives,
posthumous poetry references, and physical oddities in known
Shakespeare portraits. Who had the scholarly and courtly
characteristics needed to write such plays but had to hide behind the
Elizabethan taboo of nobles not being able to write under their own
names for the low end theater? Did de Vere with his aristocratic
background meet the criteria to write Shakespeare as we know him?
Dramatic play examples, early film footage postulating the Oxford
theory, and references to the 1920 book Shakespeare
Identified punctuate de Vere's
biography, his surviving documents, and the mirroring of his
turbulent life in some of Shakespeare's plots. While apparently new
to video and streaming, this hour seems much older with poorly mixed
dialogue drowned out by medieval music. Most of the experts are also
dubbed into English, which is somewhat surprising when considering
why this thoroughly English topic wouldn't go to their own local
authorities first. Likewise the documentary name is generic enough
that Sir Google gives you more information about the authorship
question itself. At times, the rough, one-sided presentation is tough
to follow with a convoluted and windblown focus on academic minutiae
that's not shocking but now readily available information. I'd
like to see Jacobi present his claims anew, but this is a neat place
to start for those interested specifically in the Oxfordian case.
The Shakespeare Enigma – Pseudonym possibilities, persecution
fears, and evidence not adding up anchor this hour long documentary
focusing on Christopher Marlowe as a potential candidate in the
Shakespeare authorship question. Background reenactments and
Stratford-upon-Avon footage add Elizabethan flavor alongside the lack
of Shakespeare documentation and the suspicious death of Marlowe
giving rise to Shakespeare's success. From humble origins, sixteenth
century civil records, and Catholic versus Protestant strife, the
historical information explains the court intrigue of the time –
setting the scene for the sometime actor and apprentice known as
Shakespeare versus the well educated Marlowe excelling in the London
theater scene when not employed in Sir Francis Walsingham's spy
service. The gaps in Shakespeare's life and Marlowe's rebellious,
even treasonous nature provide room for faked death supposition
despite anything concrete to support the cover ups, pardons, and
Italian exile. Did Shakespeare fill the tense court vacuum left by
the late Marlowe with a comedic stage, theater patronages, new acting
troops, and eventual Globe renown? Or was there a hidden
collaboration between the two? The elaborate and somewhat
preposterous subterfuge is presented here in a concise, fun manner
with brief comments on De Vere's candidacy and behind the scenes
moments from the recent film Anonymous. Why is there no
mention of Shakespeare's manuscripts in his will? Have audiences been
bemusingly subjected to the good business that is the big Bard fraud?
Perhaps the more interesting
question is whether who actually wrote what really matters, and
expert interviews punctuate the friendly narration and paired down
possibilities here. While not super academic or technical and
simplistic to the well versed anti-Stratfordian, this presentation
takes what can be a very difficult topic and offers a linear, basic
overview on one angle in the case – making it perfect for classroom
supposition or an introduction to the authorship debate.

Shakespeare's Tomb – Helen Castor (She-Wolves) hosts this 400th
anniversary PBS special taking an archaeological approach to The
Bard's final resting place with on location cameras at the Holy
Trinity Church and new technology scans contrasting the candlelit
medieval mood. Recent excavations at Shakespeare's New Place and at
the scene conversations with historians detail the odd burial facts,
unusual curse epitaph, confusing tomb design, and how little we
really know. Looking at Shakespeare's will shows interesting changes
to his bequeaths, but how did he die – syphilis, fever, typhoid,
murder? Praying for the sins of the dead and gruesome period
background on overcrowded graveyards, digging up bones, and skulls
stacked in Charnel Houses add to the possibility of later phrenology
crazes being potentially responsible for the apparent disturbance of
Billy's bones. Is Shakespeare really there? Why a burial at his local
parish and not something more grand? Do the grave markers cover a
hidden vault beneath? Why is William's stone different from the rest
of his family? Are Victorian tales of his skull being stolen true?
Despite the church's policy against evasive, intrusive
investigations, radar experts can use innocuous GPR data to reveal
the size, shapes, depth, and simplistic placement of the Shakespeare
family graves. Instead of shovels and dirt, this almost futuristic
archaeology scanning of the aged stones gives amazing answers
alongside dusty medieval registrars – but these also raise more
intriguing clues and possibilities. Stories of nearby vaults and
rumors of reburied skulls behind hidden staircases and forgotten
ossuaries invoke more mystery. It's a neat fantastic meets science
mix, with tiptoeing amid family skeletons while trying to use modern
laser scanning equipment in cramped crypts. Unfortunately, the
church's restoration history, challenging 3D models, and detailed
forensic reconstruction of the purported to be Shakespeare Beoley
Skull may not give the answers this scientific endeavor wants.
Naturally, we won't know the truth until Holy Trinity Church is
willing to open the grave – and of course it is in their best
interests to respect the dead. However, it is surprising this new
information didn't make more news. This presentation has a fun,
personal perspective with friendly layman explanations rather than
super academia, making it pleasant for the classroom and older
scholars alike.
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