Krampus is Disappointing Holiday Horror Fare
Kristin Battestella
you think your December is bad, consider the anti-Saint Nick killer
of the 2015 horror comedy Krampus. Though
starting strong with relatable holiday family sarcasm and budding
snowbound scares, this PG-13 combination tale never embraces its
unique monster potential and fizzles into disappointing, pedestrian
Max (Emjay Anthony) wants his parents (Adam Scott and Toni Collette)
to have some Christmas spirit again. Unfortunately, arguments with
his visiting Aunt Linda (Allison Tolman), Uncle Howard (David
Koechner), and his nasty cousins make Max tear up his ridiculed
letter to Santa Claus – creating an invitation for the evil,
ancient spirit of Krampus to descend their chimney instead...
Anthony's (Chef) Max wears a bow tie, annoyingly repeats
everything his grandmother says, and claims he's smart and old enough
to know what's happening – never mind that his torn up and tossed
to the wind letter is what brought the wrath of Krampus upon them. At
thirteen he's too old to believe in Santa Clause, and Max even gets
in a fight defending the Jolly One before writing him seeking help
for his family. If Max truly wanted
Christmas to be as it was, he could have gone ahead with their
traditions and reminded everyone of their holiday memories instead of
bitching over his letter to Santa being read aloud. That's the worst
thing that has ever happened to him? That embarrassment is worth
cursing your family to damnation? Unfortunately, Max thinks he can
fix his fault by asking for a reset, and Krampus sacrifices
its Scrooge scared straight possibility in favor of the very
millennial blasé it warns against. Likewise, daughter
Stefanie LaVie Owen (The Carrie Diaries) is irrelevant
alongside too many gross, mean, disposable cousins and a baby who's
initially forgotten in a tricked out Hummer named Lucinda. I think
the family dog gets more screen time than some of the non-speaking
kids! Sarah's sister Allison Tolman (Fargo) is made little
woman simple while her redneck husband David Koechner (The Office)
forges an odd friendship with Tom. He has useful skills and calls it
like it is, but Krampus makes
him smart or stupid as needed. Conchata Ferrell's (Two and
a Half Men) Aunt Dorothy gets through the scares with some
peppermint schnapps – Krampus liking schnapps is never mentioned,
boo – and her drunken sarcasm should be the only requisite quipping
comedy. Unfortunately, Krampus goes
overboard with ill timed laughs and puns in all the wrong places.
Does this bitter family deserve what Krampus brings? We never know
them as anything more than script proxies, so the audience can't be
snow, aerial shots, and weather effects give Krampus a
fitting brr alongside holiday music and other bells, chimes, and
diegetic sounds of the season. Fine blackout schemes and blue
patinas work well – a chilly to contrast the yellow firelight and
candlelit glows. While the leaping from house to house and rooftop
flying effects are messy CGI, the thumping landings and howling
echoes match the horned silhouette, giant hooves, and beastly furry
cloak. Brief binocular sightings, unseen creatures attacking under
the snow, and abandoned, frosty homes with trashed wreaths and
destroyed fireplaces invoke fitting fears alongside trees on fire and
ruined presents. Krampus uses
practical designs and doesn't reveal the full enormity of the monster
– leaving the caressing, pointed nails and long, too close for
comfort tongue to suggest the sinister. There's minimal technology as
well – tablets and smartphones are used until their power dies –
but the gingerbread men effects are poor, even stupid along
with unnecessary jesters and animated toys, hectic attic battles,
confusing flue action, and intercut household sieges. Krampus himself
doesn't do very much as his trying to be humorous but ultimately
laughable little minions run amok. The notion of his Santa mask
having something hidden underneath is disappointing up close, and
minimally used evil elves abducting children, a sack of souls
collected by Krampus, and his ghoulish sleigh are better reversions
on the theme. The retro animated flashback is also an old school
anchor for Krampus, showing
the bleak loss of seasonal spirit and giving in terrible times
with a sad narration and the scared reaction of one little girl.
Unfortunately, the fiery finale leaves some audiences confused, and
the production mistakenly relies on alternate scenes or commentaries
– absent on the rental blu-ray, naturally – and companion books
to explain Krampus when a
film must take care of itself.
of wasteful ignorance and apathy, perhaps
a prayer or some faith could have given Krampus a stronger
battle of wills? The neither here nor there tone inadvertently
embraces both anti-religion by not mentioning anything creche yet
also admonishes audiences for treating Christmas like a going through
the motions date on the calendar. A straight forward family holiday
drama or full on horror one or the other decision may have served
Krampus better – breathing
room to trust its own dark, sardonic allegory instead of
dampening good horrors with a humorous overload. What's supposed to
be so funny about Krampus anyway? This is a divisive, anti-Home
Alone, and Krampus'
need for commercial
safety, weak jokes, and trite action combines for an uneven parody
and try hard “oops my bad” disappointment that inexplicably
underutilizes its own ominous folklore.
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