11 June 2024

It's The Guy Pearce Re-Watch!


Welcome to the Great Guy Pearce Career Re-Watch at I Think, Therefore I Review! 🤣

(Jack Irish invites you in for a coffee...)

Those who follow my Twitter account @ThereforeReview know that I have spent these pandemic years perusing through a Guy Pearce Career Re-Watch. I retreated to this happy place because Pearce can always be depended upon to turn in a great performance in often exceptional films.

Naturally, with such extensive credits over the decades, there are certainly some hiccups, but I watched as much of Pearce's filmography as available via streaming, my faithful physical media collection, the Netflix DVD queue before its imminent demise, and lastly resorting to VHS and the Internet Archive for international obscurities.

Along the way there were new to me surprises, television series marathons, bemusingly questionable “divorce” films, and of course those landmark favorites that keep me returning to Pearce's body of work. So now it's time to assess almost everything from my favorite contemporary actor's oeuvre – Horror and Science Fiction, Disappointments, Even the Bad, Supporting Grace, Hidden Gems, Television Charm, Music, Must Sees.

(Consider yourself warned!)

I hope you enjoy these monthly-ish posts with plenty of further click through material to previously written reviews and videos at I Think, Therefore I Review, InSession Film or with the Women InSessionPodcast, and Keith Loves Movies for more in depth analysis along with these quick commentaries and countdowns.

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