25 September 2023

22 Reasons Why I'm not Excited for New Television Shows


22 Reasons Why I'm not Excited for New Television Shows

by Kristin Battestella

Allow me this poetic list, a haiku if you will, of why I am increasingly un-enthusastic about new TV show announcements – even pre-strikes when such buzz was more likely to come to fruition.

Why are we treating storytelling like dead stock, disposable consumption?

Why should I trust the prestige of (HBO) Max now?

All Netflix shows lookalike.

Million dollar sci-fi and fantasy epics on Amazon and Apple have no buzz.

What's the point of watching a show that ends on a cliffhanger but got canceled?

Quality, prestige shows are on underseen, obscure platforms.

Series I enjoy don't get the viewer notice or award recognition they deserve.

Writers, actors, and crew aren't properly compensated for their work.

Some shows I am excited about never end up airing in North America.

Properties are announced on a platform I don't have.

Properties are announced and forgotten by time they actually air.

Properties that would intrigue me are announced and never actually get developed at all.

I forget about the shows that might have intrigued me anyway.

Shows are canceled by one streamer and shopped to another but nothing comes of it.

It's not worth paying for a every streamer for their original series.

If a streamer is unhappy with a show, they will erase it from existence.

Who knows where streamers will be in the 6 months or year it takes to produce a show?

Streamers sell off shows to FAST services as random livestream content.

Streaming series often never come to physical media.

Often the first time one hears about a show is when it's canceled.

It's tough to be excited about a show when you find out about it after it's canceled.

There's no way to ever catch up when there is just too much TV already.

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