Dolls, Board Games, and Party Horrors!
by Kristin Battestella
Be they good, ho hum, or worse, these
films are brimming with the creepy bumps in the night that make us
all shudder. You know, toys, dolls, games, and parties gags gone bad!

– The aptly named Annabelle Wallis (The
Tudors) stars
with Alfre Woodard (Desperate
in this 2014 prequel
picking up where The
Conjuring began
with pregnancy perils, babies in danger, and that innately creepy
titular doll. A lovely church, sewing at home, and classic cars
create a mid century safety before news of cults on the big old
flickering television, home invasions in a time of unlocked doors,
and a rocking chair creaking on its own add chill up your spine
nostalgia. It's pleasing to see period news reports and the actual
past horrors rather than have a modern teen re-discovery or sepia
flashbacks. I never knew a zooming sewing machine had the right
rhythm for intercut editing and escalating perils, either! The
marital and parental fears are honest, and moving to a new town or
apartment can't out run the scares and records that play by
themselves. However, the of the time cliché husband leaves his
pregnant wife home alone after an attack and blames the supernatural
on postpartum depression – as does a dismissive detective unwilling
to consider the paranormal when the church will. Priestly words of
warning go unheeded, and though lovely, Woodard is worth so, so much
more than the magical negro best friend stereotype. Bookstore
research and going down to the dark building basement at night are
likewise trite, and some of the doll antics are too bemusing to be
scary. Shadowed claws and brief horns work well for the demon, but
the full reveal becomes slightly ridiculous in the same old same old
third act. If a demon can do all this terrorizing with ancillary
ghosts and a doll that doesn't really do very much on its own, then
why does it want an infant that can do nothing? The ending is
obviously left open for franchising opportunities, and babies, dolls,
and moms have been done too many times in horror already. The 100
minute duration builds enough suspense, however it is tough to
believe this is Rated R and the feeling that Chucky
better lingers more than it should. While there are easy jump scares,
trick elevators, spooky flickering lights, and a few unique frights
keep the time entertaining.

– Our appropriately named players Judith, Duane, and Russell are
dressed as their Night
of the Living Dead characters
for this 2011 role playing party – their television is up on two
chairs and playing the movie, too. Several shots match the original
film and the scares proceed along the same plot, however the game
goes horribly awry thanks to social disturbia and fantasy versus
reality fandom extremes. At once, this is trying to be Scream
in knowing its horror ancestry, yet it's an interesting premise that
I'm surprised no one did sooner since the first Dead
in the public domain. Who's in on the ruse? Are they being watched?
Can they proceed differently from the original movie? The make up and
fakery of the smiling and using tools zombies are obvious too the
viewer – but not to those unaware they are within a game in a
horror movie – and the story both gains ground and loses rhythm
when breaking away from the titular copy. We have to laugh when one
zombie yells at another for not doing what a Romero zombie would do!
The horror convention opening credits restart several times, and most
of it is unneeded. Instead, our unwilling nerdy and skeptical gamers
could have woken in
media res, filling
in the con lifestyle, mysterious party invites, and given commentary
on how scary games and movies are blamed for all our violence while
strengthening the dialogue. While not as revitalizing as New
Nightmare, the
satire within moments do make one wonder about all these zombie
crawls and flash mobs looking to top each rush. The zombies here
jumped the shark four years ago yet this picture's message went
unnoticed in the hype since. Unfortunately, the music video strobe
filming and stilted camerawork make it tough to appreciate the shocks
and critical moments when blurry, slow motion iota floods the picture
minute to minute. The shaky cam intrudes on both the tricked out fun
house and the psychological scares when straightforward filming would
satisfy the largely self aware tension, trapped arguments, and plot
divisions. There are a few good scary moments here, and the audience
wants to see how closely the game's reveal plays to Night
of the Living Dead's
cynical finale. It's tough to combine zombies, slashers, dramatic
horror, homage, and social commentary, however this one has some
intriguing twists.

– Yes, I have a glow in a dark version but no matter how you
pronounce it, this 2014 spooky is toppling with teen cliches and pat
jump scares – pretty blondes dabble where they shouldn't and hello
paranormal consequences! Too many teens pad the body count, and
re-shoots make for choppy, confusing editing. The acting is iffy, boy
toys are weak, and this latent BFF is way too invested. Do these
girls seriously think this is a rare game or secret divination known
only to them? While the survivor's guilt and death retrospection had
some promise, one can't really expect anything groundbreaking in a
Michael Bay produced Platinum Dunes horror movie. Robyn Lively (Teen
and Lin Shaye (Insidious)
have been fine support, but the adults conveniently leave these
traumatized kids alone and presenting the concrete corpus
evidence to the police is never considered. Phone videos and laptop
uses, thankfully, are brief – I'm so glad this wasn't found footage
styled – and no smancy opening credits waste time, either. Sadly,
despite fine ghostly movements, creepy messages, flickering lamps,
blue lighting schemes, and interesting camera angles, the lazy
characterizations rely on tough girls turning scared tropes and
stupidly presuming this toy is contacting the right person. Viewers
are supposed to believe a millennial teen doesn't know how to Google
some local history? Plot holes and dumbed down changes make the open
for a sequel conclusion obvious – I hope there is a damn
authoritative adult asking how all these kids died in Deux. There is
a good story and fun to be had here, but pointless meandering makes
these ninety minutes seem for naught, cutting the wind out of Ouija's
for wise horror audiences.
speaking of Ouija....
– Whooshing opening credits don't illume much in this never ending
85 minutes from 1995 nor do the homemade Ouija board, smoking rocks,
and the monster released by such nonsensical Ouija usage. Good thing
this beastie has those human sized cages handy! This monster moves
through the walls amid new housing construction, cracks in the
infrastructure, abandoned mine history, and vanishing neighbors, but
the British are once again trying too hard at being American when the
switch is unnecessary. There's too much bad acting going around the
numerous pissy dudes and screaming chicks – I think they're looking
for the people abducted by our said monster. However, the rituals,
drums, and rhythmic body chopping look like they're from a different
movie. We should never see the cave monster at all, as the red
visuals for its perspective are enough alongside the pretty
spelunking scenes. This had potential with the natural dangers, bats,
deaths, monster battles, and even a few twists. Leave the
metaphysical out of it and build the innate fear instead of cockeyed
round and round. So all that and you just leave the chained chick
there? Harsh.
1 comment:
Love Annabelle and The Conjuring can´t wait to see The Conjuring 2 until then "Who will survive and what will be left of them?"Watch! Lugnet´s Grindhouse Exploitation Double Feature "All The Way" "It Ain´t Easy" ! A Double feature that´ll tear you in two! Starring Tarantino´s favorite 70´s icon/actress Christina Lindberg!
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