Graves, and Coffins, Oh My!
Kristin Battestella
death rituals, wooden boxes, burials gone awry, and perverse morgue
practices in this trio of twisted films old and new are not for the
claustrophobic or faint of heart, I assure you.
The Coffin – It's a
little tough to find information about this 2008 commonly titled
picture. Fortunately, woodwork, nails, and bones set the mood for
this Thai custom of cheating death by lying in a coffin in complete
pseudo funerary. X-rays, visions of hospital beds, death as seduction
artwork, and the passing along of bad karma thanks to used coffins
add to the in limbo atmosphere, ill luck reversals, and fantastical
news reports. Toddlers cry beside this mock ritual, not understanding
why – surely this bizarre practice mocks fate rather than cleanses
its practitioners. Unfortunately, the digital gradient here is
ridiculously blue tinted. Outside of some scary fire action,
seriously everything is
blue. While phones and texting are slightly annoying as well,
interior darkness and precious phone lights accentuate the
claustrophobic, up close viewpoints inside the limited titular space
– capturing the paranoia and confinement fears we all secretly
harbor. Heart stopping scares, reviving emergencies, and bloody
bodies add to the eighty minutes of unease as do some surprisingly
good jump scares and hauntings. Is it all just sensory deprivations
and coffin crazed hallucinations? Although the premise is intriguing,
our players aren't really introduced, and confusing visions and
disjointed flashbacks never give the audience firm footing. Is this
ghosts, dreams, a coma, purgatory, all in somebody's head? It's not
an enjoyable mystery when you are deliberately being obtuse with try
hard plot holes and that oh so blue sophistication. Has anything real
actually happened amid this plodding, intertwined editing? The slow
pace and head scratching inexplicable can be frustrating here.
Thankfully, the unique locale, variety of languages, Eastern customs,
and refreshing non-whitewashed casting add enough bonuses to witness
this kind of fresh horror tale. But seriously, enough already with
the blue!

Dead and Buried – The
idyllic New England coast and brisk, seaside beauty complete with
saucy photoshoots and old fashioned, sentimental camera shutter
clicks belie the carefully orchestrated violence to come in this 1981
shocker. More flashbulbs, phone operators, and sweet big band music
add to the earlier mid century quaint – this morgue has a twisted
sense of class, respect, and demented beauty in death but too much
murder per capita. No mom, dad, and little boy lost on the way to
vacation, stay away! These escalating, suspenseful, and creative
kills are a community activity; it's the town pleasure to lure
visitors to abandoned, isolated areas for these ninety odd minutes of
atmosphere and hysteria. All of Potter's Bluff seems in on the well
laid trap – except for new big city educated sheriff James
Farentino (Dynasty)
returning to his old home town in a man alone verses a warped The
Wicker Man cult
society. How long has
this been happening? These crimes, dead bodies, and townsfolk aren't
what they seem, and talk of witchcraft books and zombie voodoo
folklore don't provide answers. The mystery reveals itself as the
bizarre increases, and the period piece style is also slightly
prophetic – mass mobs photograph the macabre as we rubber neck at a
car accident and replay the morbid with social media. Yes, some of
the effects here are poor. However other designs are very good, and
the superb looking blu-ray also provides featurettes on the Stan
Winston (Terminator 2)
effects alongside interviews with young Fred Kreuger Robert Englund
and writer Dan O'Bannon (Alien).
Though perhaps tame by today's standards regarding gore, there is
more than enough blood, hearts, body parts, and snuff film leading to
a wild, entertaining finish.
Shallow Grave – Zipping cars and a dizzying spiral staircase add to
the head spinning roommate interviews and cruel, arrogant
personalities of a young Ewan McGregor (Star Wars)
and floppy haired Christopher Eccelston (Doctor Who) in
director Danny Boyle's (Trainspotting) 1994 satirical dead
body thriller. The them dorky versus us cool intercut editing
establishes a demented sense of humor, and the bright, colorful
yuppie kind of garish turns darker once their mysterious new roommate
enters with a suitcase full of money only to die naked in his bed a
few days later. We don't know the full extent of this tenant
arrangement, but the sexual tension with Kerry Fox (Intimacy)
is apparent even if the trust between this trio is growing thin after
chopping off heads, sawing off some hands, knocking out a few teeth,
and burying a body or two. Although already amoral enough, no one
wants to get their sophisticated hands dirty – but oh how chopping
up a body for the money reveals one's sadistic nature! Great quips
soon lead to sardonic, amateur body bungling mixed with real crime
and violence professionals. A bleak booby trapped attic, divisive
secrets, and calculating behaviors escalate as police and newspapers
loom. Who's plotting what and uniting to point the finger against
whom? Red photography, footsteps, and The Wicker Man on
their television charge the atmosphere as the increasing cover
ups lead to more death, creepy behaviors, and suspicions. The
subtitles will be necessary for those who have a tough time with
thick accents, but the interviews and commentary on the Criterion
blu-ray edition add some bemusing insights. Superb shocks and greedy,
ironic twists keep this genre-bender intense for the full ninety
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